Friday, August 04, 2006

Understanding Hair Shirts a little better...

I think I am understanding the concept of hair shirts a little better... let me explain, lest you think I've gone off to join a group which practices voluntary mortification!

This weekend daughter Beth is off on her Chrysalis weekend. (You can read more about Chrysalis here...) As part of the weekend's prayer support, sponsors and friends are given an opportunity to pray for the team which is leading the weekend and the participants (called "caterpillars"). We are given prayer bracelets which look much like the lovely plastic ID bracelets you wear when admitted to the hospital. Each bracelet has written on it the name of a person you will be praying for personally. OK, so far so good.

Except that it is HOT here right now, and the plastic bracelets are annoying me. And they rub and chafe and make the skin sweat underneath. They are doing their job - they are constant reminders to pray for Nate and Marie, as well as our Beth. I have a continual focus on God's work in their lives, and coincidentally in mine, as I go about my daily chores.

I don't know as I'll graduate to a hair shirt... but I am getting it.

From our home to yours...


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