Saturday, June 21, 2008

Friday Five: Word Association

I'm a day late... but here's mine!

Singing Owl writes:

I am feeling like playing hooky, and I'm putting off sermon prep till tomorrow. It is a beautiful, sunny day at my place. So come on outside and let's play a summer Friday Five!

This post is loosely based on previous "wordy" Friday Fives from Reverend Mother and Songbird. I liked the results, and so we are doing another word association . Theirs were based on words from a lectionary text. Mine comes from the Lovin' Spoonful song, "Summer in the City."

Think summer......are you there? Below you will find five words or phrases. Tell us the first thing you think of on reading each one. Your response might be simply another word, or it might be a sentence, a poem, a memory, a recipe, or a story. You get the idea:

1. rooftop
Heat shimmering roof
Place to go and get a tan
Sauteed college girls

2. gritty
I just experienced this... it is amazing the places that can feel gritty after just walking on the beach!

3. hot town (yeah, I know, it's two words)
DC was built on swamp land. Need I say more???

4. night
Mosquitos, humidity, smell of freshly cut grass and charcoal grilling.

5. dance
The "mosquito dance" (swap, slap, wiggle, scratch... repeat!)

Not exactly poetic... but I'm just back from school (hence the late posting!) and don't have a lot of extra brain cells. I think I spent them all on a haiku for #1!!!

Who really does not like summer!

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