Saturday, May 20, 2006

What matters...

On Mother's Day, daughter CJ presented me with a collection of memories for the two of us. She chose three events in her lifetime that I don't think I would have picked as her 'top three'. The events she chose are not as important as the love and the bond that it generated between us. (OK, and the tears too...) It was a four-tissue book for me!

It's caused me to stop and think. What are the significant events in MY life? What are the things that bond me to my friends, my family, my sibs, my husband, my kids? It isn't necessarily the "big" ones (birth, marriage, death, illness) as much as it is the little things. The small gifts. The times of leisure. The games, the jokes, the stories we tell on each other reflect time that is invested, not money spent.

So today I'm going to create memories, not spend money. And I'll try to do that every day.

From our home to yours,

1 comment:

DebD said...

what a wonderful reminder to create loving memories.