Sally from RevGals writes:
I have spent the week at Summer School studying the Gospel and Western culture, we have looked at art, literature, music, film and popular culture in their myriad expressions. With that in mind I bring you the cultural Friday 5.Name one of each of these which have helped/challenged you on your spiritual journey.
1. Book
A book? ONE book? Isn't that like asking what kind of chocolate is
Because of its impact on my worldview and the way that Americans are perceived, particularly in the Middle East, I would have to say "Beirut Diary" by Sis Levin.
2. Piece of music
Geesh. This is as hard or harder as "A Book" for a musician! Do I go back to learning to play Bach's "Inventions"? The first dribbles o

3. Work of art
Michaelangelo's "Pieta" moves me every time.
4. Film
You may wonder about me, but probably "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy." I think there are lot of people who view Christ-followers as kin to those who await "the Coming of the Great White Handkerchief."
5. Unusual engagement with popular culture
I had to do a major mind shift when I began living and working outside Washington, DC - a place that is so self-absorbed and gives itself such self-importance... and has done a lot to increase my awareness of the errors (and pride) of BOTH sides of the political spectrum. It's why we subscribe to the two local newspapers. (the TRUTH is somewhere in the middle...) ...and why I have been encouraged by the writing I find at places like Third Way Cafe' and The Ooze.
Bonus: Is engagement essential to your Christian faith, how and why?
How could it not be essential? If we wrap our minds in spiritual bubblewrap and never stop to consider WHO is speaking in our cultures, WHAT they consider important and WHY their worldview does not include God, we will be as ineffectual as "paste up" artist at a newspaper...
Does it make the changes in society "right" or "wrong"? Not necessarily. (Con

Personally, I know that if I am not allowing God to work in me, to bring about formation in my being, then I am as bad or worse off as my contemporaries who have taken God out of the picture completely...
Oh... P.S. I don't know why I can't have one of the cool Soldier helmets instead of a "Maid Marion" get up. And where's my sword?? A real one. With a nice sharp edge. I'm just sayin...
like the armor of God pjs. and oh, by the way, good answers.
Wonderful play!
I hear you Deb on the music thing.
The armor of God pj's scare me.
Great play!
Love the jammies too! :)
You picked the Hitchhiker movie? Odd - I loathed the movie but LOVED the books. Maybe you Buckeyes don't read as well as us Huskers? :-)
Your "engagement with culture" was right on, for more than just DC imho (though you're right about the self-absorption rampant in politics). I think narcissism is one of our many national diseases.
Great play. Loved yor answer on the bonus. Freaky jammies to prove the point!
awesome play!
I thought of the Pieta first as well... but there's so many to choose from! Totatlly happy though that someone else thought of it too!
Hitchhiker was good. But the book was better. If you haven't seen it, you should also check out Buckaroo Bonzai.
Must say, you have great taste. Sure would love me a couple pair of those jammies, just to scare my pastors this holiday gift giving time. ;)
I really, really want those pajamas. In adult sizes!
I'm with you .. especially on the music thing, and your great answer to the bonus question. pjs scare me too. Thanks for this great FF.
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