Sunday, August 30, 2009

S is for....

Continuing on in the alphabetic blogging of gratitude...

S is for...

I love to sing. I don't do it as often as I used to, something that is somewhat discouraging. I guess it is a function of the church we attend, the busy-ness of my life, and estrogen leaving the building...

Studying... It is a blessing that I have the time and opportunity to do my studies. I'm aiming not to just be a repository of useless theological facts, but actually have something to offer that will help someone some day.

Sense of humor... I'm glad I have one. It helps as I slug through the Pentateuch in a couple of sittings. I confess that as I read Noah's story, all I could think of was Bill Cosby's version of the story... ("What's a cubit?") At least I self-entertain well.

Siblings... I was blessed to be born into a large family. My sibs are among my biggest encouragers, and are a talented, diverse group of strong individuals. In my family there have been bankers, artists, analysts, librarians, doctors, chemists, publishers... and somehow now pastor...

Seasons... I'm actually glad summer is over, as much as I enjoy the time with family on vacation. Fall is my favorite season, but I also enjoy the others too. One thing I found out early on in my adult life was that I did not do well in a part of the country with only two seasons (humid and less humid!)

Simply yours...

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