Friday, June 15, 2007

Friday Five: books, books, books

Sally from RevGalBlogPals writes:

I've just returned from a meeting in Cambridge so I'm posting this late here in the UK (it is 3:45pm).. because I took the opportunity of a free afternoon in Cambridge's wonderful book shops... I only bought a few- and they were on sale- very restrained for me!!!

So with my head full of books I've seen and a long wish list in my mind, I bring you a Friday Five on books!!!
1. Fiction: what kind, detective novels, historical stuff, thrillers, romance????
I tend towards fantasy and sci-fi, but not the scary, you-can't-sleep-at-night kind of sci-fi.

2. When you get a really good book do you read it all in one chunk or savour it slowly?
When I was not in school, my patterns was to inhale books. Now, with seminary and the fact that I read seemingly ALL of the time, I am struggling to do the recreational reading I love. However, on a true vacation (i.e. not during the semester when my kids are off school and I am not,) I can think of nothing better than a comfy afternoon on the porch swing, a book, and an adult-beverage-of-choice.!

3. Is there a book you keep returning to and why?
Well, with the next Harry Potter movie and book due out soon, I have to re-read all of the previous ones, of course. And though I'd never win a trivia contest on them, I do enjoy the Tolkien LOTR trilogy too.

4. Apart from the Bible which non-fiction book has influenced you the most?
Probably Jesus Freaks. Remembering that my freedom to worship and the history of my faith did not come without the spilling of blood.

5. Describe a perfect place to read. ( could be anywhere!!!)

Now... back to reading books for a class on "church administration" which are definitely NOT as interesting a HP or LOTR, but necessary nonetheless.



Anonymous said...

Happy reading!

Sr. Heather said...

Oooooo - that's a lovely spot. I'd like a lounge chair and an umbrella (burn too easily, TYVM) and a tall drink with its own umbrella... and the whole Harry Potter series at my side. :-)

Happy Friday!

Hot Cup Lutheran said...

Man oh man you really are yearning for time on the beach! I hope you're able to get there soon!!

Diane M. Roth said...

Sorry about those church admin books... back to the good stuff! And what a picture!

Anonymous said...

if you have to read church admin in the summer, that would be a lovely spot!!

Sally said...

what a beautiful spot- as for church admin reading ugh!!!