Saturday, August 04, 2007

Mindy's Bavarian Friends

I introduce you to these dear folk with the understanding that they did not talk much to me. I think they just wanted to tell their dear friend Mindy "Mooooooooten Tag!" They were quite congenial, given the language barrier and all...

The Apotheke Shopper

This dear lady was walking in front the drug store. I didn't ask what she was buying. Bag balm? (Some things you don't ask, you know...) I complimented her on her lovely hide, because I liked all of the children of the world painted all over her. Her other side is the other half of the world... that photo didn't come out because it was in the shade. I apologized for botching that photo. She told me this was her better side any way.

The Embarrassed Green Teats Cow

This lovely lady was annoyed because someone decided to paint half of her udder green and the other half flesh colored. I think she understood that it was only body paint. "But really," she said. "GREEN teats? As if." I did try to reassure her that what she represented (cafe au lait and ice cream) was indeed quite an honor. But somehow, I think the green teats done her in.

The Epitome of Patience...

This dear lady was never alone. Someone was always sitting on her. I asked her if she minded. She said it was OK... and then sighed. Look at her face... doesn't she look like the epitome of patience???

SOooo there you are, Princess Mindy. Your friends send their greetings from MOooooooooonich with love to you. (Actually, these gals live in Garmisch, in Bavaria... but it's just easier and a whole lot more fun for them to say MOooooooooonich...)



Cathy said...

Udderly delightful! Mindy is going to LOVE THIS POST!!!

Green teats must mean mint ice cream.

I always heard sitting cows meant good fishin' weather.

Unknown said...

Deb, great pictures and running comments.

Tricia said...

Your descriptions are very fun!

My sister painted a steer for a Cow Parade in Kansas City in 2001. Here's one photo of it:

(The little boy about to get his eye gored out is my eldest when he was not-quite-4 :^)

and more photos here:

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

~squeal~ OMG!!! I LOVE them! Did you pet them? Don't you LOVE how they speak to you!! I so want to go and see those!

And those pics are great tj!

Deb said...

You know, I think that these poor cows were so used to proper Germans that they were a little shocked to be talked to... I had to use my MOOOooouniversal translator to understand them. They did speak some English, which was more than my German, so we got along OK.

They said to come visit any time!
