Saturday, December 15, 2007

Advent musing: "Testify"


"I am the way, the truth and the life"

33 years old

Last Login: 12/15/2007

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Some of you know I have pages up on MySpace and FaceBook. It's an easy way to keep up with trends and thoughts (and photos) of -- ahem -- "younger" friends. (Besides, I always did like a good Food Fight!)

This morning, however, I was caught off guard when I noted that a couple of my MySpace buddies have "Jesus" as a Top Friend. Actually, as their #1 friend. So... I went and read the person's page. They seem like honest, God-loving types. They don't think that they are divine, just that they worship One who is.

The kicker came when I clicked on the "add as friend" button... and the dialogue box came up:
"do you want to have Jesus as a friend?"

Possibly seen as sacrilegious by some. Possibly seen as fanatical by others. I found it intriguing that the God of the Universe would be portrayed on a MySpace page.

Guess we need to change the words of the hymn:
"Let ev'ry MySpace page prepare Him room..."

Or... maybe not...


1 comment:

Sarah said...

All things to all people, right? :) Although it's pretty interesting that a PERSON is regulating what would be up on the page. But, of course, we're all responsible for showing people who He truly is it can be lost in translation in any case.
Much love to my Deb friend!