Singing Owl from RevGalBlogPals writes:
Lingering effects of a cold have me watching more television than usual. There appears to be a resurgence of the old daytime staple--the quiz show. Except they are on during prime time, and a great many of them offer the chance of winning one million dollars.
I think it started with Regis Philbin and "Who Wants to be a Millionaire?" but now we have a half dozen or so.
My husband and I started musing (after watching "Deal or No Deal") about what we could do with a million dollars. I thought I'd just bring that discussion into the Friday Five this week. It's simple. What are five things you would want to do with a million dollar deposit in your bank account?
Oh, the mind boggles. Travel? Charity? Family? Church? Meeeeeee??? First I'd call Mike, our financial planner and say "HELP US!!!" Then, I'd change my phone number. In my heart, I'd like to be holy, but chances are I wouldn't be completely well behaved. The temptations to just blow it are incredible... but here goes...

2. Education: Each kid would get $20K into some kind of education fund. The Harpist is a junior in high school, so hers would need to be more liquid. Reedy Girl has 5 more years.

3. Travel: I've been to Europe numerous times. It's time to take the family and go. They, too, need a moment with God in a jacuzzi in the German Alps!!! Let's blow $20K there.

4. Home Improvements: We have some big ticket items we have not done that we need to do. Our kitchen, namely, and some landscaping to keep the driveway and front walk from sliding down the hill. So, that's an easy $20K. Which leaves me with...

5. Mad Money: $10K for some domestic travel we've never done... Hawaii? The Grand Canyon? Colorado Rockies? The Corn Palace in Mitchell, South Dakota? (eh... no...)
Here's to dreams... and the money to fund them!
P.S. Yes - I can't add. Put a zero behind each one of those numbers. Then it will add up to a million.
:-) 100k is 1/10th- you have more money to spend than you think... great paly though, keep dreaming
Sally beat me to it. Though you're probably planning to invest the other 900k for retirement, right?
I love your list!
Great ideas...all of them.
I've been to the Corn Palace. It was closed that day. :-( Odd place!
#5 and then I would have to travel to the GREAT State of TEXAS to meet up with the adorable..wonderful...unique bloggers that all live down there.
~grins~ I knew you would not mind me adding onto your list.
ROFL... Mindy! Of COURSE I would travel to Texas! How could I pass up that opportunity!va
I was wondering how you'd fit two college educations into $20K....
I have a list as well, it's fun to think about.
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