Sophia from RevGals writes:
Gals and pals on the West and East coasts, and a few spots in between, may know of Trader Joe's--a quirky, well-stocked, well priced semi-gourmet store that attains near cult status among some. I discovered it through my Aunt Judy, who always brought a couple of their desserts to holiday parties....The best was a chocolate ganache torte that had my four year olds begging for it (and among the only four year olds on the planet to know what ganache is, presumably).My family has happily Trader Joe'd in southernmost California, up to the Northwest, and back down to southern Cal. And now we're really excited because today a brand new Trader Joe is opening up across the street from our apartment. Wahoo! There are sure to be lots of tasty free samples on opening day and from now on we can just walk across the street to get a lot of our shopping done. I have a new spiritual directee coming tomorrow and she has already mentioned that she'll be stopping in on the way here, leaving me to be jealous cause I'll be spending that noon hour like, praying and preparing and study-vacuuming and everything, and won't be able to stop in till the afternoon.
So in honor of the new Trader Joe's, this week's Friday Five is all about food shopping.

1. Grocery shopping--love it or hate it?
2. Who is the primary food shopper in your household?
3. Do you have a beloved store like TJ's which is unique to your location or family?
We have TWO Trader Joe's near us!!!!! Love them! When we visit Cincinnati, we have to go to The Party Store and Jungle Jim's.4. How about a farmer's market, or CSA share, as we move into summer? Or do you grow your own fruits/veggies/herbs?
I don't have a garden this year. I was realistic and knew that I would not be able to carry it through. I do have herbs that came back up this year. And I have some lovely decorative clover. It's a little early for farmer's markets to really be from this area... maybe in July.5. What's the favorite thing you buy at the grocery store?
Ice cream. Sadly. Ice cream!Deb
Ice cream. Yum.
Short and sweet, I like it. I also love ice cream a little too much.
Ice cream- one of lifes necessities.... :-)
Oh, ice cream. It's almost a delicacy for me these days, but I almost made a run last night to get some!
I'm surprised your farmer's markets aren't up and running, ours are, although I don't know if they have much yet beyond bedding plants and rhubarb -- have been too busy to get there yet this season. I too like ice cream...we have some local French Vanilla in the freezer right now!
Party Stores are fun also. I am sort of a gadget-type person, so I love to shop through kitchen stores as well.
Ah, Jungle Jim' I love thee!
ice cream... well duh! you mentioned necessities right?!
I envy all the Trader Joe's around Rev Gals, except for me. And ice cream would be a favorite if it could be.
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