Friday, April 21, 2006

I love my shredder...

Good old Montgomery County is keeping the shredder machine industry in business, at least on our street. The new super bins (which we have at our home) are dumped in the holding part of the truck. The operator, if unskilled, can leave some of the contents on the street, in the yard or just blowing in the wind. We've collected newspapers in other languages from our front yard, and a neighbor's personal items such as threatening collection notices, opened and tossed in the trash. (I am sure our neighbor did not intend we read it -- I put it back in their mailbox.)

I'm more committed than ever to shredding things I don't want the neighbors to read. See what happened to this guy when he didn't!! Chase MasterCard says to 'tear up' any credit card application that you don't want. Apparently this is a bad idea.

Now this gives me a great idea!! What if I develop a new kind of targeted pamphlet? Fill my super bin with leaflets and Christian tracts and let the wind blow God's Word where it may???

No... I don't think so... It is the equivalent of the well-meaning guy who stands in the middle of campus in dirty jeans and bellows through a bullhorn. Yick.

Shred that thought...

from our home to yours...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice of the wind to give you the 'dirt' (literally) on your neighbors. I wonder if they even care that you know. (smile) I remember a guy on campus with the bullhorn (hey, wait a minute, we didn't go to the same college! Is he an itinerant?) Drove me nuts that people equated "Christian" with "crazy man". Ugh...

OK... back to grading papers...
