Saturday, April 04, 2009

Friday Five: time out edition

Sally from RevGalBlogPals writes:

Holy Week is almost upon us, I suspect that ordained or not, other revgal/pals calendars look a bit like mine, FULL, FULL, FULL........

Jesus was great at teaching us to take time out, even in that last week, right up to Maundy Thursday he withdrew, John's gospel tells us he hid! He hid not because he was afraid, but because he knew that he needed physical, mental and spiritual strength to get through...

So faced with a busy week:

1. What restores you physically?
Chill time. Time "off the clock" so to speak, where I don't have deadlines, phone calls, emails or tasks. I'm doing it this week since I'm on vacation with my husband and kids.

2. What strengthens you emotionally/ mentally?
Being able to talk and listen to good friends. Friends that don't have an agenda, aren't responsible to or for me, and we can just be. I've got three great ones in Dana, Marina and Terry.

3. What encourages you spiritually?
Music. And in a variety of styles, from contemporary to rock to classical.

4. Share a favourite poem or piece of music from the coming week.

Did you feel the mountains tremble? by Delirious

5.There may be many services for you to attend/ lead over the next week, which one are you most looking forward to and why? If there aren't do you have a favourite day in Holy week if so which one is it?
I would hazard a guess and say Easter Sunday. The joy. The promise. The hope...

Peace and joy to all-

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