Sunday, November 19, 2006


Pass it on... According to RevGalBlogPals it's De-Lurking week!

Grab the graphic - post it on your blog - and then go visit your usual bloggy friends...

Leave them a hug {} or just a "blogstone" (o).

Hmmmm.... can Blogger handle this much activity???

Happy de-lurking... Be sure to come by on Friday and have some leftovers!



QuakerPastor said...

Ok sooo here's a stone (0) and a hug {GO BUCKS} for you, fellow Buckeye!

Unknown said...

Gosh, do you think we could break Blogger?

Pink Shoes said...

I'm posting a comment in honor of de-lurking... which keeps me thinking about rhyming de-turkeying, but it doesn't quite work.... and I need to figure out how to grab the graphic!

Deb said...

Pink Shoes...
Just right click and "save image as" on your hard drive in the folder of your choice. There's a Mac command but I don't know that any more as I am, sadly, stuck with a PC...


Anonymous said...

The graphic makes me think of Turkey Lurkey and Henny Penny and the gang... :^)

Mac users would control-click (in Safari or Firefox at least).

Anonymous said...

Ok, got you - from Turkey Lurkey

zorra said...

Hey Deb! Thanks for stopping by!

Maria Tafoya said...

Happy delurking week! And congratulations on your team's big win this week!

Gannet Girl said...

I'm in favor of de-lurking! Go Bucks!

Mary Beth said...

Happy Delurking Week! @ RevGals

Hugs to you and Happy Thanksgiving also!

Princess of Everything (and then some) said...

Okay! I am de-lurking!!

Iris said...

De-lurking to say "Happy Thanksgiving!"

Deb said...

quakerpastor - your blog disappeared! Where did it go?? I just get a blank page when I click...


(Maybe blogger is owned by UM fans...)


P.S. go to see signs-along-the-way's blog... he is having trouble "seeing the light" tee hee...

QuakerPastor said...

I think it's back's done that a couple of times. Not sure at all why.

Anonymous said...

Hello... another de-lurk from me :D

Unknown said...

Tricia said, "The graphic makes me think of Turkey Lurkey and Henny Penny and the gang... :^". I knew it was striking a chord in my brain somewhere. LOL.
Deb you are just a jewel. I am so glad you are part of the community.
I give thanks for your thoughtfulness. Your wisdom. Your love for Jesus.

Happy thanksgiving. And happy delurking with{{Deb}} and (0).