ONLY five practices, activities or people??? wow... I have experienced many ways of refreshment in recent years. But here's an attempt...
Songbird of RevGals writes:
As we near the end of the long journey toward Easter, a busy time for pastors and layfolk alike, I ponder the words of Isaiah and the relief and refreshment of a river in the desert.
For this Friday Five, name five practices, activities, people or _____ (feel free to fill in something I may be forgetting) that for you are rivers in the desert.
- Family: I am blessed with a very patient, tolerant and encouraging family, not just my mom and sibs, but my husband and daughters as well. And I should add my church and Emmaus families in here, too. Who knew that not only would they think my journey towards ministry is God-ordained, but that they would jump in to help me start on my way? Their support continues to surprise and bless me.
- Friends: Especially my prayer partners and my mentors. They listen, challenge and pray like mad. And they help me keep things in perspective and in close to a right priority.
- Music: Singing. Playing. Humming. Rehearsing. Creating. Performing. Writing. Arranging. Praising. Rocking out!!! I have never been far from music; it is my heart beat to God. When I am too far gone to care about music, I am pretty sick or depressed.
- Re-discovering old favorites: I wandered back through a reading of Practicing the Presence by Brother Lawrence. Sometimes, steeping my heart in the familiar is comforting, renewing and exhorting all at the same time.
- Seeing God in the every day, common noise of life: It struck me this morning when I woke up that we get too habitual, too wrapped up in our insulated patterns. Last night was the first 'warm' spring evening and we left our bedroom windows open. (It plays havoc on my asthma, but I love the air!) Instead of hearing our "canned" birdsong alarm, I listened to the birds waking up, louder and louder, chirpier and happier as the sky began to lighten. And the bonus was an owl "hoo-hoo-HOOO-HOOOOO-hooo-hoo"-ing as kind of the last kick in the butt (or ears?) to wake up. With my windows closed, I don't hear the bird song every morning. I have been thinking this morning that there are many times I miss the 'background music' that God has in my life. I want to "tune in" better today and every day. Here's to refreshment from just being more aware of His presence!!
Good when He gives, supremely good;
Nor less when He denies:
Afflictions, from His sovereign Hand,
Are blessings in disguise.
- Brother Lawrence.
This was the first morning I heard birds since last fall! What a glorious sound!! Spring must really be here.
i LOVE your #5! waking up to the birds singing is such a blessing. i love that!
hooray! spring is here!
I can hear the birds as I write- it is wonderful- and yes you have lifted my spirits.
Thank you
Way to play Deb. And I love the book by Brother Lawrence, it changed the way I view doing dishes, and other tasks I used to hate.
i've been enjoying birdsong these past few days as well. Music in its purest form.
I wish we could leave our windows open, few things I love more than the fresh air and sounds of nature...(but we live on the corner of two busy streets with lots of traffic 24/7, blech...) so, good for you! Thanks for sharing!
I especially like your #5; whenever anyone blogs about music, I keep thinking I *should* too, but it ain't happening yet. Nonetheless, birdsongs are just fine by me. Blessings!
Oh, these were good! And the pictures up above...and poems...WOW! Blessings to you!
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