Tuesday, September 16, 2008

wrapping my brain around...

there's things I'm trying to wrap my brain around and am not succeeding...

such as...

...why people try to cut corners on home improvements and do work that requires a license or a permit themselves.

...why people put perfectly good bicycles in the trash - I saw them the other day at the recycling station!

...where do all of the dumpsters of trash go? how many a day/week/month/year enter and leave the trash station near me?

...why people who have just potty trained their kids get a puppy!!! (or a cat. or a gerbil. whatever. the critters don't flush, KWIM?)

...why certain factions in our society would NEVER allow a woman to lead or direct a program or function in their organization, but would vote for a woman for VP...

I await your collective wisdom...


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