Sunday, August 23, 2009

N is for...

N is for...

Boy... this one was hard. But I came up with something.


I know that sounds crazy, but the "NOs" in my life have usually come with a really good reason.

NO... to the guy I was first engaged to. Yeah, he chickened out (his loss) but it was a good thing. God's NO meant I met my wonderful Bearded Brewer.

NO... to the church I thought I would work in forever... It was a great experience, don't get me wrong. But God has other places and plans for me. First stop, being a grad. assistant. And from there... who knows??

NO... to healing people I love who had cancer. And cats who had to get their golden whiskers.

NO... to "fixing" financial woes...

It's in the NO moments that I experience pain, anger, frustration, and loss... and where I also see God's kindness, patience, and providence. It's then that I realize how God's power works through me, in spite of me...

I really hesitated to put up this blog post. I mean, isn't being thankful for NOs kinda like praying for patience??

And yet... that's the word I've got.

So thanks (?) for NOs...


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