Monday, August 24, 2009

O is for...

O is for...

Opportunity... I think about the discrimination that my grandmothers and mom lived through. I think about the jobs that they never considered, or the places they never went for an education... because women just "didn't do that"... Yeah... I am grateful!

Omnipotent, Omniscient, Omnipresent God... Some times it is hard to grasp the depths and the heights of an eternal God. (Wait - SOME times? Make that ALL the time!) To know that I have instant access to that kind of power and love. It's mind-blowing and amazing.

Openness... I was thinking today of the people I share my heart with and vice versa. The fact that we can live and talk and do life together with an open-hearted conversation is such a blessing.

October... Fall. Football. End of summer heat. My favorite MONTH of the year!!!

Ohio State... Yeah. Kinda goes with October. Go Bucks!


Terri said...

October was my favorite it is only marginally different than any other month - hot.

excellent list of O's for gradtitude.

QuakerPastor said...

GO Buckeyes!